by Rick Nason, PhD, CFA
Partner, RSD Solutions Inc.
I just finished watching the Rugby World Cup match between Canada and France. A bit early for me to get up, but I wanted to get ahead start on writing my blogs for the week.Watching the match, it was immediately clear that the Canada team had a far superior advantage when it came to the volume of facial hair. For instance, France had no one at all in the same league as Canada’s Kleeberger.
There is one tiny problem for the Canadians though – and that is facial hair does nothing to affect the outcome of a rugby match. Therefore, although the Canadians had a decided advantage in facial hair, it was ultimately not worth much, and Canada lost the match despite a valiant effort – and despite their huge advantage in facial hair.Now the question is – is your risk department more concerned about winning matches, or more concerned about irrelevant factors such as politics, avoidance of blame, great looking risk reports, great press reviews, state of the art metrics – or even quantity and quality of facial hair?Go Canada Go!