Monday, May 20, 2013

Discipline Versus The Whim


*/By Rick Nason, PhD, CFA
Partner RSD Solutions Inc./*

I was listening to an interesting radio show the other day about how artists
work.  As readers of my blog know, I believe that as risk managers we have
to have at least a touch of thinking like artists.  The radio show went on
about how artists tend to fall into two very distinct camps when it comes to
approaching their work.  Some artists are very disciplined and work a set
time each day and in a designated spot.  They are creatures of habit and
their habit reinforces their discipline.  Other artists take the opposite
approach and work when and only when the felling or whim strikes them.  It
was argued that while the latter approach often leads to less output (but not
always), it does generally lead to more creative output.

Now I am not suggesting that risk managers only work when and where they feel
like it, but perhaps it is possible to scale back the strict habit and
discipline routines.  Perhaps?