Thursday, June 12, 2014

Gods Laughing

*/By Rick Nason, PhD, CFA
Partner, RSD Solutions Inc./*

*/Follow us on Twitter/* [1]

There is an old saying that "if you want to hear the Gods laughing, just
tell them your plans".  The Gods in particular  think risk is funny.


Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Campbell’s Law

*/By Rick Nason, PhD, CFA
Partner, RSD Solutions Inc./*

*/Follow us on Twitter/* [1]

Campbell's Law is an adage from the social sciences.  It states: "The more
any quantitative social indicator (or even some qualitative indicator) is
used for social decision-making, the more subject it will be to corruption
pressures and the more apt it will be to distort and corrupt the social
processes it is intended to monitor."[1] [2]

Do you think the financial regulators are aware of Campbell's Law?  Do you
think the majority of Chief Risk Officers, or Boards of Directors are
familiar with it?  Should they be?

[1] [3] Definition is sourced from Wikipeadia.


[2] #_ftn1
[3] #_ftnref1