Friday, August 20, 2010

Repeating Godin (Again!)

by Rick Nason, PhD, CFA
Partner, RSD Solutions Inc.

A few weeks ago I rephrased one of Seth Godin’s blogs. I just read Seth Godin’s recent blog titled “Running Away versus Running Toward” and thought I should also share with our blog readers as well.

The blog is reproduced in its entirety here.
Running away vs. running toward
Every brand, every organization and every individual is either running away from something or running toward something (or working hard to stand still).
Are you chasing or being chased? Are you leading or following? Are you fleeing or climbing?

I believe that this is an excellent set of questions to ask yourself as a risk manager or a risk department.

My experience has been that most risk managers and risk departments spend their lives running away. Conversely, as I have implied in previous blogs, I believe that most risk departments should be running towards. Risk departments should be optimistic yet realistic enabling departments that allow companies to chase opportunity through creative risk management that avoids the “being chased” mentality.

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