Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Risk And Blogging



Here I am late with getting my blogs done when one of my partners subtly tries to remind me that I am behind schedule by sending me a list of 8 keys for blogging success.  (Here is the link

As I looked through the list, I thought that they also made a great list for Risk success (and a way for me to quickly get another blog done).  Do you agree?


  1.   “Are You Passionate?”  To be a successful risk manager you need to be passionate. 

  2.  “Are You Patient?”  The results of a risk management program do not always manifest themselves immediately.

  3.  “Are You Clear?”  Forget strategy lingo – risk lingo has more capability to confuse and turn people off than almost any other department in the organization (ok – maybe not the IT department which might win this category)

  4.  “Are You Brave?”  Are you willing to put your well reasoned opinions and ideas out there and have the willingness to defend them?

  5. “Are You Seasoned?”  At RSD we know that risk management is not learned in a book or in a classroom in isolation.  You also need experience, intuition and seasoning.

  6. “Are You Helpful?”  As a risk manager do you help to engineer risk responses so things get done, or do you stick to the traditional “Department of No!” response – which is most certainly not helpful.

  7. “Are You Organized?”  Obvious.

  8. “Are You Focused?”  As a risk manager are you clear in your goals and objectives.  As I have written about before, fuzzy goals and objectives lead to everything becoming risk and thus nothing getting managed.

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