Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Snap the Fingers on Risk. Part 2 of 3

by Rick Nason, PhD, CFA

Partner, RSD Solutions Inc


In a previous blog I talked about the snap the fingers exercise where you assume I have magical powers and upon snapping my fingers you get to switch your risk department with the risk department of any other company.  The challenge was to figure out who you would choose.  (The link to the original blog is here:

The second step of the process is to drill down as to why you made the specific choice that you did.  In fact you need to drill down to at least 5 “why” levels to get to the core.  Going back to the original job of advising MBA students on their careers, once the student has answered the snap the fingers answer, you ask “Why do you want to be that person?”  The response is usually “because they are rich and famous.”  The next question then is “Why do you want to be rich and famous?”  and so on and so on for at least 5 series of “Why?” questions. 

Let’s go back to your risk situation.  Why did you want to have your risk department become the risk department of the firm that you chose?  What are the characteristics that they possess, that you need to possess?  What are the 5 “Why?” questions you need to ask yourself?

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