Friday, March 25, 2011

Held to Ransom(ware)

by Michael Arbow MBA

Partner, RSD Solutions Inc.


Recently my computer was hit with some ransomware while downloading a file. Ransomware is a computer program that holds a computer system, or the data it contains, hostage against its user by demanding a ransom for its restoration. In my case this was $60 to a company that seemed to be spoofing one of the major software houses except for the poor grammar, washed out colours and their insistence I tell my boss, children and spouse about the computer invasion. Luckily I have a back-up computer: slightly different in set-up, workable and it was aquired for free (thank you @dougestey). In the mean time I have restricted my operations slightly, communicated my situation to the Partners of the firm and business contacts and re-arranged work activities while I get the ransomware sorted out.

This personal incident has some interesting corporate risk management applications. What are your backup plans for operational hiccups, including communications to others both internally and externally? Is your backup affordable and not over-spec'd so that you won't hesitate to use it? And finally, what plans to you have in place for recovery?

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