Thursday, August 4, 2011

Spring Cleaning

by Rick Nason, PhD, CFA

Partner, RSD Solutions Inc. 


I am just now getting around to my spring cleaning.  Yes – I know - summer is half over, and it will soon enough be time to start prepping for fall.  I will be the first to admit that when it comes to organization or administrative tasks that I am not the most efficient person on the face of the planet.


Anyhow – back to spring cleaning.  In the process of spring cleaning you obviously get rid of a lot of junk that you don’t use anymore as well as things that were ever at best only marginal useful.  However, what I find interesting is that when I do a semi-annual cleaning I come across items that I forgot that I had that I could really use.  They were there all along but just hidden by all of the junk.


Sometimes I think that risk departments and processes could also do with the occasional spring cleaning; getting rid of a bunch of “junk”, such as processes or reports that are simply cluttering up the place.  In doing so you might just come across some ideas or processes that you had forgotten about that could indeed be very useful or valuable.

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