Monday, October 31, 2011

Wordless PowerPoint

by Rick Nason, PhD, CFA

Partner, RSD Solutions Inc.



We all dislike (hate) the conference PowerPoint presentation.  Slide after slide dulling your senses and killing grey cells – forever to be forgotten 7 nanoseconds after the conclusion of the presentation.


To combat death by PowerPoint various new styles and formats are being promoted – and indeed I try to integrate some of the new styles into my professional and academic presentations.  One of the more common types of “enlightened” presentation is to construct a PowerPoint that has no words – only pictures.  The thinking behind this is that pictures evoke emotions (which are better remembered and understood by audience members) and pictures also force listeners to focus on the speaker (and who, as speaker, does not want the focus to be on them?)  Wordless PowerPoints are rapidly catching on, and I suspect you have been the victim (or perhaps the perpetrator) of them yourself. 


As a consultant I have an idea and a challenge for you.  The next time you have to give a risk presentation, can you make it mathless?  Can you give a risk presentation that has no math, no numbers, and no graphs?  Can you create a risk based presentation that evokes emotions, understanding, and keeps the focus on you – the speaker and professional?

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