Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Spray and Pray

by Rick Nason, PhD, CFA

Partner, RSD Solutions Inc.





This week I had my photo shoot for a speaker series that I am participating in.  Each professional photographer has a different style – each of which seems to be more annoying than the previous one.  The photographer this week however was different.  He came into my office, sat himself down and talked to me.  No rushing to get lights set up – no running around the room with a light meter – no assistant with a make-up kit.  Yes – he did set up lights, yes he did check light levels, no he did not apply make-up to my ugly mug (probably should have).  But he did talk.  He engaged me in a conversation.  Occasionally while talking he would take a photo or two.  But the number of photos was minimal.  Then after about 20 minutes of conversation and about a dozen photos he thank me for my time and said he was done!  I was shocked!  What?!  Only a dozen photos or so.  I was expecting at least 5 times as many shots. 


As he was leaving I asked him why so few photos.  His response was very telling.  He said, “I believe in understanding my subjects.  When I do that I only need a few photos to get a great shot.  I don’t need to spray and pray like other photographers”.


Interesting.  He actually tries to understand his subjects as people so he can take better photos. 


What about risk managers?  Do we “spray and pray” with our vast amounts of modeling and analysis and data collection, or do we try to understand the people in our organizations and thus need only a fraction of the data that we normally collect and analyze?

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