Monday, February 10, 2014


*/By Rick Nason, PhD, CFA
Partner, RSD Solutions Inc./*

*/Follow us on Twitter/* [1]

A relatively recent article in The Guardian / The Observer (January 12,
2014), discussed the organization, or also known as the Reality
Club.  Each year it provides a forum for leading thinkers to respond to a
given question.  The question for this year was "What Scientific Idea is
Ready for Retirement?"

What a great question.  It is also a great question for risk management. 
Although the field of risk management as a discipline is still relatively
young (actually an infant depending on how far back you want to trace the
roots of it) there are several ideas I can think of that might be ready for
Shady Acres Retirement Home!

I would like to hear your ideas to this.


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