Thursday, July 16, 2015

Communication Versus Information

By Rick Nason, PhD, CFA
Partner, RSD Solutions Inc.
It is always interesting for those of us of a certain age to watch the younger generations communicate.  Texting, tweeting, posting, Instagramming, emailing etc. – all of course are forms of passing information on to others, either individually or to groups, or to whomever happens to be on the receiving end.
However, have you ever thought about the difference between communication and passing on information?  Is there a difference?  I certainly think so.
In my mind, information is simply data of some form or other.  Communication however conveys meaning – and more accurately two way meaning.  Information may be the latest sales figures, the number of on time deliveries, the location and time of the next group meeting, or simply a snapshot of what someone had for lunch. 
Communication however is a dialogue – a true dialogue with nuances and unspoken or written meanings.  Communication also involves feedback for understanding, inspiration and perhaps even motivation for action.
So the next time you begin a PowerPoint presentation, consider whether you are informing or communicating.  The next time you text versus phone, consider whether you want to inform or communicate.  And the next time you create a risk report, consider whether it is better to inform or to communicate. 

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