Thursday, August 13, 2015

Peace Equilibrium

By Rick Nason, PhD, CFA
Partner, RSD Solutions Inc.
I recently reread the wonderful book “The Lessons of History” by Will and Ariel Durant.  In this small volume, the noted historians sum up some of the key themes that history has continually exhibited.  Among these recurring themes, the Durants point out that history teaches us that “peace is an unstable equilibrium”.  It is an unfortunate but indisputable fact; peace is rare while war and instability are the constants.
A large part of good management is acknowledging and managing with the facts, rather than managing under a fairy tale system constructed out of how you wish things were.  Just as peace is an unstable equilibrium, so is the absence of risk.  Risk free business is an unstable equilibrium is a fact repeatedly taught to us by the history of business.
While peace being an unstable equilibrium is lamentable, risk free business being an unstable equilibrium is not.  Successful managers are those who realize that risk always exists (remembering that risk is the possibility that bad or good things may happen) and furthermore they embrace the fact that risk always exists.  Pretending otherwise is simply naïve, foolish and dangerous.

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