Monday, April 25, 2016


By Rick Nason, PhD, CFA
Partner, RSD Solutions Inc.
One of the interesting pieces of data that our wired social media driven world gives us each day is a listing of the most read articles on each media site.  Often a reading of what is most popular is more interesting and thought provoking than what is in the actual news site.
Something that has always amused me is that the horoscope is often in the “most read” section.  I guess it stands to reason since the reading of everyone’s fortune cookie is often the best part of going out for Chinese food with friends.
Perhaps more seriously though, the popularity of horoscopes is a sign of how desperate we are for a glimpse into the future, no matter how feeble or inaccurate that glimpse might be. 
Risk management, like horoscopes, is about the future.  The question is whether risk management is helping us manage the future better than our horoscopes are.  Are your risk management reports making the most read section?

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