Tuesday, May 3, 2016


By Rick Nason, PhD, CFA
Partner, RSD Solutions Inc.
When was the last time you paid attention during the safety instructions on an airline?  I suspect that if you travel as often as I do that you can repeat verbatim the specific lines that your airline uses.  Does that mean if there was to be a situation that you would know what to do?  (I once sat next to someone on a flight who did not know how to use the seatbelt and needed help to both get it fastened and then to get it unfastened after we landed.  Admittedly though it was in an undeveloped country and it was the person’s first time ever in a plane.)
The great advertising guru Bill Bernbach stated that “In communications, familiarity breeds apathy”.  That of course is true with airline safety instructions.  Is it also true with your risk communications?

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