Wednesday, May 25, 2016


By Rick Nason, PhD, CFA
Partner, RSD Solutions Inc.
Colin Powell – “Experts often possess more data than judgment.” 
Our current management world is data driven.  The era of big data is here and it will continue to get even bigger (no pun intended).  However, have you stopped to think about what exactly data is?  In essence, data is history.  Data is numerical recordings of what happened.  In many cases what happened is relevant for what will be – history tends to repeat itself.  I would argue however that for the most valuable cases, that is cases in which humans need to make a decision, what happened is not relevant for what might be.  Paradigm shifts – for example – give no respect whatsoever to history.
As a risk manager in the era of the religion of data, your role is to decide for what risks is the future a continuation of the past, and for what risks is the future yet to be designed.  It is not a trivial task, and it is a task that cannot be done with data.

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