Sunday, January 9, 2011

Grade 6

by Rick Nason, PhD, CFA
Partner, RSD Solutions Inc.
As professionals we are always asked to volunteer in some way or other at school.  One of the most dreaded tasks is to explain what you do.  (Try explaining trading credit derivatives to a group of 9 year olds.)

A famous physicist (I believe it was Richard Feynman) once claimed that if you can explain what you are working on to a child in grade 6 then you do not really understand what it is that you are working on. 

Can you explain the risk management function in your company to a child in grade 6?


Trevor Levine (Riskczar) said...

Forget explaining risk management; try explaining standard deviation to a kid in Grade 6. I tried. Glazed looks.

Trevor Levine (Riskczar) said...

Although when my son was about 8 I told him daddy tries to find out where all the bad things are... an expressing I still use when explaining risk management to grown ups.